A happy workersnew study from the Social Market Foundation says it has proof that happy workers are indeed productive workers! For the longest time corporate culture mostly prioritized a high-pressure, take-no-prisoners culture to maximize financial success. This approach appeared to produce the best results as direct correlation between effort and results could be more easily measured.

New research by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy that included over 700 workers appears to disprove these old misconceptions about worker productivity. The old adage of push them harder, for more results simply yields marginal results when it comes to overall worker productivity.  It is the go-to method because it is often times a lot easier to track and show results based on effort.

On average the old motivational workplace methods proved to show a 3% increase in employee productivity. The experiment consisted of showing a 10-minute comedy clip or providing snacks and drinks to random employees. This latter method showed a 12% minimum and up to 20% maximum increase in productivity following the above motivational methods!

This holiday season employers consider what kind of bonus or holiday snacks to bring into the office. How much of the budget should be spent on non-work related activities to increase worker happiness. This study may provide proof that this method of employee appreciation indeed leads to measurable productive results.

One needs to consider a mix of both short-term and long-term incentives to keep current and future employees stimulated to perform their best. Long term incentives include benefits such as medical and dental coverage, life insurance and others.

Howard Employee Services provides employee benefits in the Sarasota area as part of its employee services to companies that may not otherwise have access to such benefits for their employees.

Give Howard Employee Services a call today at 941-922-0202 or send us an email for more information on how we can help your company properly incentivize its employees too!

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